Striking a Balance: Recommended Daily Screen Time Limits for School-Age Children

In our increasingly digital world, school-age children find themselves surrounded by screens, from computers and tablets to smartphones and TVs. W

November 23, 2023

Why counselling is not just for troubled children and teens

Counselling has long been associated with helping people in crisis, but it's not just for individuals facing significant challenges. Children and teenagers can also benefit from counselling, even if they're not struggling with a specific issue.

March 26, 2023

What is occupational therapy and when to seek help for your child

Occupational therapy is a profession that works with people, children and adults, to help them improve their quality of life by developing skills to deal with everyday tasks. It involves helping people with physical or mental impairments or disabilities to do the things they want to do, under the guidance of a qualified occupational therapist.

September 20, 2022

7 strategies to help your child develop a growth mindset

Parents play a vital role in helping their children develop a growth mindset. A growth mindset is a belief that intelligence and talent can be developed through hard work, good strategies, and input from others. The term was coined by psychologist Carol Dweck in her book Mindset: The New Psychology of Success. Since then,

September 30, 2020

Digital addiction in kids, is this the new normal?

It’s not a secret that kids are more hooked on technology than ever before. Digital media use is a growing problem as more and more children spend large amounts of time on smartphones and tablets. They may be so attached to their technology that they struggle to concentrate on anything else.

September 30, 2020