How does Hopscotch child therapy help to treat speech-related issues in children?

A speech deficiency is a condition in which a person struggles to produce or construct the sounds spoken necessary for interpersonal communication. Speech impairments can be caused by a variety of factors. It could be brought on by brain injury, serious accidents, inherited conditions.

September 5, 2022

Role of a pediatric speech therapist

Children who have trouble speaking such as stammering, producing sounds, and constructing sentences, are treated by speech therapists. Speech therapists work within a wide range of settings including public health centres, hospitals, special needs schools, skilled nursing facilities, and even on virtual platforms.

August 24, 2022

7 Effective Speech And Language Therapy Strategies for Parents to Try at Home

Speech is a major aspect of human communication. Adults and children use speech to express their thoughts and experiences. Speech issues are common in young children which causes parents to rightly worry about their wellbeing and future academic achievement.

August 16, 2022

Pediatric Speech Therapy: What is it? When to seek help

Speech disorders are a common condition in children with an estimated 2-3% of all school-aged children suffering from it. They can affect the child's ability to communicate, both verbally and non-verbally.

August 9, 2022

Digital addiction in kids, is this the new normal?

It’s not a secret that kids are more hooked on technology than ever before. Digital media use is a growing problem as more and more children spend large amounts of time on smartphones and tablets. They may be so attached to their technology that they struggle to concentrate on anything else.

September 30, 2020